Who We Are?

Our Mission

Ruminant Insight is a website idealized by Dr. Rodrigo Marques, an Assistant Professor of Ruminant Nutrition and Physiology at the School of Animal Sciences at Virginia Tech, to create a new environment for ruminant lovers who want to stay up-to-date with research, courses, webinars, podcast, and youtube channel related to Ruminant. 

Meet Our Team!

Feel free to contact us 


Dr. Rodrigo Marques

Assistannt Professor
Ruminant Nutrition and Physiology
School of Animal Sciences
Virginia Tech


Vinicius Alves Cruz

Ph.D. Student
School of Animal Sciences
Virginia Tech


Keenan Kvamme

Master Student
Montana State University

Student Interns

International - Esalq/USP

Vitor Pedroso

Vitor is a Brazilian student from the University of São Paulo-ESALQ-USP who came to
our research program in January 2022

Montana State University

Kaitlin Dixon

Kate is one of our students here at MSU from North Dakota who helped us in the routine of our trials in 2022

Montana State University

Justin MartinelL

Justin is one of our students here at MSU who helped us in the routine of our trials in 2021

Montana state university

Ryan Seaman

Ryan is one of our students here at MSU who helped us in the routine of our trials in 2021

Montana state university

TRevor Granlees

Trevor is a former student of our program  at MSU  who helped us in the routine of our trials in 2021